HELLO, Everyone This time I am going to updates the latest MM1-AVL1506T-WIFI-ZZQ_V1.1 BOARD firmware. NEOSAT-NS1506 may be rarely known by satellite dish receiver users in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, UAE, Saudi Arabia, India. But maybe someone already knows about this type of board, because the Dish Baba had previously uploaded the MM1-AVL1506T-WIFI-ZZQ_V1.1 BOARD And this time we will discuss MM1-AVL1506T-WIFI-ZZQ_V1.1 BOARD.
The big difference in this modal is that it contains a built-in WiFi chip and v-line that gives you full access to connect internet for Cline and load Kodi Server activated in this model. This receiver is a satellite dish decoder from NEOSAT-NS1506 that uses the Sun Plus 1 chipset. So this is arguably the same as other China even though the customer ID is different. But if you look at this SunPlus, you will already have a shadow of any receiver as identical as this Receiver.
Download 1506tv new software 2024 download
In Asia, the Sun Plus chipset may be familiar, especially for those who often 1506g. (DVB-1506tv-V1.0-OPT-0-SO ) There are several brands and variants of receivers that use this Sun Plus chipset from NeusatStar Track, and others. But indeed NEOSAT-NS1506 software is identical to the new
We want to provide a download link for the latest software. For those who want to use the NEOSAT-NS1506 software upgrade or use it for other receivers, please check the firmware first. Error in downloading will cause things that are not desirable. For those who need firmware MM1-AVL1506T-WIFI-ZZQ_V1.1 BOARD please download from the following link.
About | Information |
HW Model | DVB-1506tv-V1.0-OPT-0SO |
WIFI CHIP | 8188F |
Size | 4MB |
Update Date | OCTOBER 26 2019 |
Software Version | CR2 V9.09.25 s |
Software | DOWNLOAD |