Download Conflict Desert Storm II Game for Pc

Conflict Desert Storm II

Conflict Desert Storm II is set amid the Persian Gulf War and depends on the secretive tasks of ‘Alpha One’, a four-man extraordinary powers group of either the British SAS or US Delta Force. The player can control one part at any given moment yet can likewise give remote directions to other squad individuals. It is workable for two players to play at the same time, each controlling two troopers. Up to four can play in the Game Cube and Xbox adaptations.

Desert Storm II

Desert Storm II Player

The player can utilize distinctive strategies, for example, concentrating on a head-on methodology or by utilizing stealth against an assortment of powers from the Iraqi military. The experience gathered by every individual from the group after some time results in advancements and decorations granted for recognized direct amid missions. A few authorized weapons and vehicles, for example, the M16 Assault Rifle or Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle are additionally usable in-amusement. Diverse requests, for example, “tail me” or “flame voluntarily” can be given to the fighters not being constrained by the player, who can switch control between them freely.

Desert Storm II


Every individual from the four-man group represents considerable authority in a particular job. For instance, Foley is the assigned marksman and master expert rifleman and is, in this manner, the perfect decision for stealth commitment. Though Bradley is the foreman and radioman – encouraging the capacity to bring in air-strikes when required.

In August second, 1990, Iraqi powers attack and possess Kuwait, bringing about a united alliance of more than 100 nations to go to the guide of Kuwait against Iraq. Amid the main days of Kuwait’s freedom, Special Forces group Alpha One is sent on a salvage mission to Al-Hadar, where ‘Delta Two’, a United Special Forces group is caught behind Iraqi lines. With gunships giving help, Alpha One rupture the city dividers, find and secure Delta Two’s last realized position however does not promptly reach them. Alpha One keeps on hunting the city down them the following morning, lastly, find them subsequent to doing combating through a few Iraqi troops and supporting protective layer in the city. Alpha One at that point escort Delta Two to a clearing point at an Iraqi interchanges post, which Alpha One along these lines annihilates upon Delta Two’s extraction before abandoning themselves.

Alpha One is then sent on an incognito activity to demolish an Iraqi Radar site and fuel dump. Sneaking past the base protections, Alpha One effectively demolishes the assigned targets, an endless supply of their central goal Alpha One wind up encompassed by Iraqi troops, tanks, and gunships. Seeing almost no choice, Bradley arranges his group to surrender, and Alpha One is taken, prisoner. Inside an Iraqi jail, Alpha One is severely investigated by their captors. A trip of Stealth warriors drops brilliant bombs over the complex, giving Alpha One a way to get away. Prior to coming back to the Allied lines, Alpha One is conveyed to a site lodging Sarin gas just as different SCUD rockets and launchers that they incapacitate and devastate individually.

As the freedom of Kuwait moves close, withdrawing Iraqi troops are requested to set flame to various Kuwaiti oil wells as a component of a singed earth approach. Alpha One is requested to stop further harm by incapacitating various explosives on a few oil wells, before connecting up with sending components of the Second Marines. Alpha One and the second Marines at that point set out on a mission inside Kuwait City, where Iraq has built two Super guns used to slow down the development of Coalition troops in the desert. Alpha One secure an airplane terminal where Iraqi troops have to emplace SAM destinations just as an air resistance lattice which Alpha One both render inoperable. With air prevalence guaranteed for the alliance troops, Alpha One at that point set out on the pulverization of the two weapons in the city’s harbor, destroying any desire staying for the Iraqi powers of accomplishment.

  • PUBLISHER: Gotham Games
  • Developer: Pivotal Games
  • GENRES:3D SHOOTER/Tactical shooter
  • Release Date: October 07 2003
  • Game Modes: Single Player 

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